Endocrinology Services
• Explore reasons why you are unable to lose weight when you have tried everything
• Explore different weight loss medications and teach you how to use them
• We work closely with a dietitian & an exercise physiologist
• Treat and diagnose different types of diabetes including Type 1, 2, Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA) and Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY)
• Teach you how to commence on insulin, injectables or specialised insulin pump therapy
• Provide education on using a glucometer, test strips & NDSS registration
• Experts in pregnancy planning in polycystic ovarian syndrome, pre-existing diabetes, overweight and organising early investigations in those unable to fall pregnant after trying for a while before seeing a fertility specialist
• We liaise with your obstetrician closely and provide comprehensive patient education, use of glucometer and dietary advice in one consultation to save you time.
• Tailored treatment for your symptoms, whether this relates to fertility, menstrual cycle regulation, skin health or weight management.
• Explore the root of the issue and manage it appropriately
• Exclude other conditions before giving you the diagnosis PCOS
• Everybody’s goals are different, your transition and treatment will be tailored to your needs
• Commence on gender affirming hormones which allow some physical characteristics to align with your gender and hence, improve dysphoria and psychological functioning
• Make sure you clearly understand the potential benefits and expected effects, weighed against the potential risks and side-effects of treatment
• Treating disorders such as over & under-active thyroid conditions, thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer and parathyroid conditions
• Explore different types of thyroid replacement therapy for hypothyroid patients
• Work closely with the radiologist to stage your nodule and organise biopsy if necessary
• Connections with expert thyroid & parathyroid surgeons locally
• Complete investigation and multidisciplinary management of pituitary tumours and other pituitary conditions (e.g Prolactinoma, Cushing’s Disease, microadenoma, macroadenoma, acromegaly)
• Diagnosis and management of hyper or hypopituitarism
• Work closely with pituitary surgeons to manage your condition if needed
• Adrenal disease (Addison’s disease, primary hyperaldosteronism, phaeochromocytoma and paragangliomas, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and adrenal tumours)
• Testosterone deficiency (testosterone replacement therapy)
• Estrogen deficiency, hormone replacement (HRT) & non-hormonal therapy
• Osteoporosis and other metabolic bone disease such as Paget’s Disease